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Why Wouldn't the Spirit Bomb Work?

Updated: Aug 21, 2020

Pure energy vs. Evil guys

Hi guys, it's the DB Analyst here. Applying real world logic (I think) in the Dragonball world. Lets take a look at the Spirit Bomb. From the idea on how this thing works, this should be the ultimate answer to defeat any enemy and I mean ANY enemy. Think about it. You are compiling a bunch of energy from literally everything. And forgive me if I'm overthinking this (but come on, that's what I do :D) but isn't the Spirit Bomb meant to be pure? As in 100% pure. As in you need someone pure of heart to do the move. And no one who is pure of heart can be hurt by it no matter how big or how powerful. So that leaves me to assume that it only affects the opposite AKA it hurts only evil and never the good. In other words, the eviller you are, the more impact it has. It's gotta be how it works, right?

When Goku used the Spirit Bomb on Vegeta and on Frieza, he was sure that it would have ended it all. He expressed genuine shock when these guys were practically untouched after a direct hit. Especially with the one on Namek - that one combined energy from the surrounding solar systems and was HUGE as ever. And it always comes off like a desperate, last-ditch effort. Which would make sense - you are exposing yourself completely while you form this attack AKA you can't fight while you're doing this. And, on top of that, it may take some time. So why rush in with this as your first move? I agree with exhausting all other measures first. Especially since this could help weaken your enemy which in turn could mean you don't have to collect as much energy in order to defeat them. And an extra plus – you could be super wiped out and still use this attack because it is not your energy. Wow! This just sounds like the perfect attack of all, right? So why didn't it work on Vegeta and Frieza?

It could be as simple as boiling it down to the fact that it wasn't strong enough. But, if you're working with my theory, then...they should have been dead multiple times over. Vegeta was definitely evil and Frieza is a level beyond evil. So what happened? The thing barely affected them. Well, I have an answer. My story, in essence, looks at a Vegeta who really wasn't necessarily evil. There were times in his life that he even questioned the act of killing and instead sought to save lives. Vegeta was evil but it wasn't a black and white issue – in fact, there's all kinds of shades of grey. Vegeta is an extremely complicated guy and the backstory I gave him helped pieced together the puzzle. So in conclusion, the Spirit Bomb did not work on Vegeta because he simply wasn't evil. (I know that's hard to swallow but look around at life – there's a lot of misguided people doing horrific things for various reasons even thinking they are in the right for it. There's a lot of people who just don't know any better or whose unfortunate circumstances led them down a path of destruction. A popular phrase out there is that “hurt people hurt people”. Often times, that may be true when you get down to nitty-gritty of the situation. When you get down to it, Vegeta is all this and so much more. He really is a complicated guy, trust me.)

And now – Frieza. Well, I have an answer for that one too. In my story, I highlighted Frieza's trick to getting as powerful as he did. I don't like the idea that he just so happen to be that strong. And he just comes off way too lazy to put in all that training or maybe it's Maybelline and he was born with it! To make my long story short (very literally), Frieza stole power. He stole power from the pure and wicked alike. And at the end of the day, if the Spirit Bomb could only wipe out evil then Frieza wasn't evil either. He was a mass confusion of everything. Or...if you just don't like my ideas...the Spirit Bomb is just too weak. All of that effort and time, getting your friends to put themselves on the line to stall – all for nothing. Wow! I'm not so sure if it's as perfect of an attack any more. Or maybe, you just had to go global and get people to give their all for it to work. Let me know what you guys think.

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