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Why Gohan is So Strong in My Story

SS, SS2, Mystic Gohan...and now can't even go Super???

Hi guys, it's the DB Analyst here. Applying real world logic (I think) in the Dragonball world. In my story, Gohan is pretty darn strong. I'm sure that Super had good reasons for why he's so weak now BUT I have even better reasons for why he's so strong. My story takes place two years after Golden Frieza but unlike the show, Gohan is a force to be reckoned with – he even has Goku and Vegeta's complete awe and admiration. And here's why.


It has been about six years since Buu but who could ever truly forget that whole mess. People died, Buu was released and the planet exploded. Fun times! Well...that's not exactly how Gohan sees it. In fact, he is often burdened by those memories. Whether it may be true or not, he is adamant that if he had been training all along, even a little, then he would have had the power to prevent it all. In fact Vegeta's words are the very thing that propels him to keep up with his training – he won't even miss a day. He has made up his mind that there is no way he would ever be in a position of “If only” ever again.


No one was even aware of Gohan's power up until this point. It's like this – he never had a chance to showcase it against Beerus and he got wiped out early against Golden Frieza. At the end of the day, Gohan still fights like a saiyan – he likes to hold back and test the waters AKA only show off all the goodness when push comes to shove. Seriously, I can't stand the idea of him getting knocked out with just one punch to say how weak he is now. Trust me, the Gohan I know would have just stayed home if he knew being out there would bring more harm than good. To me, it is obvious that the whole one-punch thing was to highlight just how strong Frieza was now. Come on, Frieza was tanking god powers at this point. To be honest, if he was that weak he should have died right there and then. Ok, sure, Frieza wasn't in golden form but it is also true that he hold onto grudges very seriously. Anyone, and I do mean anyone, who has ever defied Frieza's power or laid a finger on him, he remembers very fondly...or perhaps fondly is not the word I should use but you know what I mean. With such a visceral reaction to seeing Gohan would be more than enough to make him pump out as much as strength as possible into that punch. And also, Gohan was more than likely caught off-guard. Super's version of the Gohan vs. Frieza showdown here does not fit my story AT ALL.


I am on the side of Mystic Gohan. There is no need for him to ever go Super Saiyan ever again unless...he wants to fight at a lesser power?! Unlike typical saiyans, Gohan does not do dye jobs. So even if Master Roshi asked him if he could still go Super, he probably wouldn't even know.


“Gohan apparently prefers training on the Supreme Kai's planet and then he works like twenty five hours in a day!” This is a realisation Goku makes in DBU Episode 13. If it was up to Gohan, all of this would still be a secret. He knows how his Dad is – he would be hunting him down to know how comes he's advancing so well and would become his unofficial sparring buddy. Who needs that!

He trains with the Supreme Kai for two important reasons. The Supreme Kai knows a special means for him to train effectively for 1-2 hours per day AND he is gazillion miles away to unleash all that power. Remember how power levels work in my story - no one could even dream of sensing him all the way out there. Maybe with Goku being in Other World at the time has something to do with him being able to have sensed Gohan back then – otherwise, it's a definite no for me. And I am very serious about this. If they can sense power this far off then there's no way anyone could ever make surprise visits there. If I can sense someone a little too strong that isn't a Z warrior anywhere near our solar system, I would be the first to greet them, just saying. The Supreme Kai's special means of training is to be explained further down in the story, not sure when exactly but the point is, is that I know the reason (I know you all are pondering how on Earth (or not on Earth?) the weak Supreme Kai could make an uber strong Gohan.) It's like everything else with me; there's a madness to my method or a method to my madness... or maybe it's just a mad method. :D Just bear with me, OK.


He did not attend the Universe Tournament, y'know...because of a conference. As stated above, his days are completely booked. He doesn't really have much time for anything else. So why not go after the greatest excuse to take a vacation? Family, friends and fighting. Every saiyan's 3 F's for a good life all in one place (well 4...can't forget food after all). Yes, he has all this strength BUT would rather do anything else. In fact, he's glad he doesn't have to show off his power either. He knows the attention he would get from the others and he hates the spotlight. He sees fighting as a duty and not a hobby. I have reason to believe that it wasn't even an important conference – or even a conference at all – just an excuse to skip out.

Gohan is most certainly not a fan of fighting. He lives for the moments with his wife and child and he loves his regular life. My take on it is that he just can't quite find the balance between the two worlds. He doesn't seem to have a handle on the lust for fighting when he is in fighter mode. In his head he is prepared to go all out but once he's fighting, his ego flares up and he's playing around with his opponent. He hates showing off so he hates this side of himself.

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