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Over 40 Plot Conveniences in 1 Story

Updated: Sep 4, 2020

Yep, I did the counting so you didn't have to. You're welcome by the way.

Hi guys, it's the DB Analyst here. Applying real world logic (I think) in the Dragonball world. Let's be serious...Dragonball is filled and I mean filled with plenty, too much, way ridiculous amounts of plot conveniences. So what ARE plot conveniences...

According to, a plot convenience forces unlikely events to take place because the story calls for it. And guess what, as a sign from up above that I am on the right track, would you believe the example they give you is from none other than Dragonball. Yep, you heard me, Dragonball. Of all things. They give the example of how it was convenient that Goku so happened to get back his tail just in time to fight Giran in the 21st tournament (and he was on his way to a sure loss). This made me think about something called deus ex machina. This term was used for the event of lowering a god on stage during a play using a cable device. In other words, the deus ex machina drops in and fixes everything more than likely on behalf of the star, y'know just because. And more than likely it is being done in an utterly improbable, illogical or baseless way. Like a long tail popping out of nowhere, just saying. According to me, in simpler terms, plot conveniences are just things that happen that come in there to save the day no matter what. Sounds like the entirety of Dragonball when you think about it! (Just kidding...or am I?)

And now as promised by the title, I have over 40 plot conveniences and I'm not lying. Over 40 plot conveniences and trust me more will come, I can almost guarantee it because quite a few of these are VERY recent.

So to start off my list (see numbered list below):

The kais and gods or whatever they are: King Kai King, Yemma, Dende, Supreme Kai, Kabito Kai, Old Kai, Zeno, Vados, Champa, Beerus,Whis and The Grand Priest.

So... Plot Conveniences 1 through 12....they know too many gods. Why is this a problem? Well, if anything was to happen (and it probably will, this is Dragonball right?) one of them could let them know about it – the same way that they let Goku know that Beerus was coming his way or even how the Supreme Kai filled them in on Buu.

Alright, to top that - Some of these gods are some of the most powerful beings in existence (at least in their universe) and now Zeno...who apparently can just wipe away universes on a whim. (It was bound to happen, right?) So if there was a problem too big for them to handle, just call these guys. I mean, they're all buddy-buddy with them anyways. Just call Beerus - “Yeah, we were eating some Ramen together the other day – so like come and sneeze way a planet or two, y'know, please. Your favourite student!” Oh yeah, did I mention that our stars are now just about as powerful as the best of 'em. Yep, plot conveniences.

And if they needed a boost in power in a jiffy, they have moves like the Kaio-Ken and fusion (Metamorese and Potara) at their disposal. As well as the ever-needed stash of senzu beans.

But did I mention their top secret weapon of all - better than any over-powered god? It's the top-ranking, undefeated champion of them all – Hercules'....adoptee – Buu.

Think about it, Buu is potentially literally invincible. His body stretches to every hit and I swear he doesn't feel any pain. You could blow up this guy and he'll come right back – again and again and again. Like, seriously, weren't there like three other versions of this guy? Also, if for some reason he's losing a fight he could just turn someone into chocolate or just absorb them and take their power. Remind me again why we haven't been getting much of Buu as of late – oh yeah, apparently he's just been asleep! Gee, I wonder why! (In case you were wondering, this concept was done last year, not so sure what they're doing nowadays).

But don't worry, while Buu is getting all that sleep, our stars will be quick to level up with the help of the Room of Spirit and Time which apparently you can go in forever. And in case that doesn't work, then you can always beg Old Kai for a 24-hour unlocking of hidden power. And if none of that works out, just whip up some food and bribe Whis to pick 'em up – because Whis's staff is like deus ex machina gone crazy! It can do anything - it can allow you to travel through space at top speed, store food, create food, go to some cloudy dimension for is literally the epitome of plot convenience.

And in some bizarre twist of events that they all lose their power, how did they become gods in the first place? Oh, yeah, by holding hands and singing Kumbaya...I mean, by doing the saiyan ritual that made super saiyan god. Seriously, that can't go away unless one of them dies...and that ain't happening (or at least no one ain't staying dead, right?) You have Baba, who can bring back people to the living world for a day. And the Old Kai (like the Supreme Kai before the Supreme Kai or something) gave away his life to Goku. (So does that mean the Supreme Kai has this ability too? Or is it only because the Old Kai is fused with the witch?) And also, King Yemma could just say “You want to go back to earth to go fight, go on ahead” like he did with Vegeta. Yeah, no one's staying dead. Especially with the dragonballs lying around. With Shenron you get 3 wishes, with Porunga you get 3 wishes and with Zarama you get ONE super, mighty duper wish.

And the dragons aren't the only useful allies they have. There's Bulma – who could create anything so long as the story calls for it. (This sounds familiar) “Hey, Bulma, we want a super dragon radar!” “Yeah, I made it!” “We want a super fast ship to go out in space!” “Done! Like yesterday!”

And through her, we've met the King of the Galactic Patrol. He pretty much works in the same way as the gods, he could just warn them about anything. I mean, didn't Jaco come there to warn them about Frieza. I wonder who sent him...could it have been his boss?

And lastly Zunou – the all-knowing, all-wise Zunou. Zu know? Zunou. He knows more than any god anywhere. He wants them to wait like 7 years to see him but they could easily get around that. First thing, they know enough gods that wouldn't mind “encouraging” him to let them go right away or just plain old bribe him with food (I mean everybody loves food in Dragonball, right?). Or...bring in some pretty young girl like 18 who doesn't age????? - is this a plot convenience, oh wait, no one ages in this show, what was I thinking. “Give Zunou like 10 kisses and I'll give you some wishes...I mean, answers.” Why did I confuse wishes with answers? Gee, I wonder why.

With all that said, there are too many plot conveniences in one show! I think people would want tension and you can't have that with all these plot conveniences conveniently around. If I know they exist, then I guarantee you that The Experts and the die-hard fans know as well. Let me know if I forgot something, I'm sure I did. Thank you for watching. So until next time!

Over 40 Plot Conveniences in 1 Story Full List:


1. King Kai

2. King Yemma

3. Dende

4. Supreme Kai

5. Kabito Kai

6. Old Kai

7. Zeno

8. Vados

9. Champa

10. Beerus

11. Whis

12. Grand Priest


13. Goku is super strong

14. Vegeta is super strong

15. Beerus is even stronger

16. Champa is even stronger

17. Vados is even stronger

18. Whis is even stronger

19. Grand Priest is even STRONGER

20. Zeno is WAY STRONGER

21. Kaio-Ken

22. Metamorese fusion

23. Potara fusion

24. Senzu Beans

25. Buu – invincible

26. Buu – chocolate

27, Buu – absorb people

28. Room of Spirit and Time

29. Go in forever???

30. Old Kai unlocking power

31. Whis' Staff – travel through space, cloudy dimension, store and create food, birth babies

32. Ritual for SSG


33. Baba

34. Old Kai gives life

35. King Yemma


36. Shenron – wish

37. Shenron – wish

38. Shenron – wish

39. Porunga – wish

40. Porunga – wish

41. Porunga – wish

42. Zarama – ONE WISH


43. Bulma makes everything

44. King of Galactic Patrol

45. Zunou knows all

And here are some QUESTIONABLES/EXTRA that didn't make the list:

a. Time rings – but seriously what do they even do?? (more on this another time)

b. Evil Containment Wave can hold someone UBER strong apparently

c. SSG (red) heals – though only in the anime (and in my story)

d. Instant Transmission – but I see it as more of a tool (depends on how it's being written in)

e. Ability to sense ki - but again it's a tool

f. They all fight together - wasn't that how they defeated Broly in the first movie (another tool it seems, hmm...)

g. Whis turns back time – but it has a limit, right?

h. The Zeno Button but who would actually press that besides Goku in Super. And look how that turned out.


Whew! You made it to the very end. But I'm not too keen on plot conveniences, in fact I purposefully got rid of a few in my story. And I'm doing it here again - instead of having to read everything, you could've just watched it all along.

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