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How Power Levels Work in My Story

(1)Strong x (50)Strong = I WIN

Hi guys, it's the DB Analyst here. Applying real world logic (I think) in the Dragonball world. In my story, you may have noticed that power levels don't quite work the same as in the series. In fact, you may be riled up to question me all about that. However, I purposefully chose to do things my way. Overall, power levels are annoying maths problems with way too big numbers. If you know me by now, I live for simplicity but I always aim for fairness. How I handle power levels may seem far off but there's a method to my madness...I'm sure.


Isn't it a bit odd that Super Saiyan has been prominent ever since it's introduction – and god powers are so last season?The blond hair and blue eyes have held our attention and awe all the way up to the Buu arc. In super, we go from red-haired SSG to blue-haired SSG after one fight. And in the blink of an eye, now there's the ultra instinct look.

Even before all this, I really liked the idea of going from your base and straight to Super Saiyan Blue. I have greater appreciation for keeping on this route now more than ever. This way, it gives us time to appreciate and to explore this form for all that's it worth. Honestly, there was no way I was going to be coming up with any newer form. I already gave a couple to Fahren and figured that the blue form was meant to be the ultimate achievement. Well, at least, that's how I see it.


Remember the days of Dragonball Z where these dudes put in a ton of training to rank up. They've been through it all at this point – from ploughing fields to gravity training. And this thing took time too. Even if you were the special Goku, it still took some time. Nowadays, they do some training with Whis for a few months and chango presto! A whole new form – or a whole major levelling up.

In my story, you have to work hard and I mean HARD with god powers. King Vegeta's quote sums it all up perfectly for me. The following is an excerpt from Episode 21 of Universe Saga (the episodic series that follows my original story). "It has taken me all of these years and plenty of stolen power but here I am. God powers are not for the faint of heart, I can assure you. I mastered this form now for a couple months although I had the power for over two years. It is a lot of work but for that I am glad or else any and everyone could become a god. Having control, you see boy, is the key - or else you run the risk of hurting yourself more so than anyone else." Want to know how the heck King Vegeta is in my story, check it out here:


And the King is correct, you need control with god powers. God powers are to be contained. To explain, look at Fahren and his final blast. It only took out Master Roshi's island. Or even the blast he shot at Goten and Trunks. It only travelled so far which is not far at all. And he was operating at a hefty level of Super Saiyan Blue. My take on it is this – when they first transform you had epic winds, water kicking up and the earth shaking and breaking apart. And now, they can transform effortlessly. No major fireworks show AT ALL. It's definitely the same principle on which god powers work. It's like holding the ability to release a nuke but it doesn't wipe out half of the world. Without control, you could drop that nuke and win the battle BUT lose your planet while you're at it. :D


Maybe it's just me but this multiplying stuff is a level beyond annoying. Too much maths and too much headache. In my world, I do more addition than multiplying. I don't think it is necessary for someone to be x1000 their opponent (I'm exaggerating here but is this even an actual thing?) Someone who is 1000 more powerful can easily wipe you out. Even x2 is a far cry. Look at it this way, can you imagine someone who is twice taller than you? There's no question that this person is definitely taller and is gonna stomp all over you. Now imagine them x50 taller than you!

Did I do a good job of convincing you guys of my path to power or you do you think I'm straying x1000 way far off? Let me know what you guys think.

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